Home Inspiration 100 Kickass Feminist Slogans On The Advocacy Of Women’s Rights

100 Kickass Feminist Slogans On The Advocacy Of Women’s Rights

100 Kickass Feminist Slogans On The Advocacy Of Women’s Rights

Looking to celebrate and empower the ladies in your life? Do you want to en-large and fuel your feminist flame?

I have collected an array of powerful feminist slogans for women to help you ignite your feminist fire and find the right words to show the women around you how strong and important they are.

Throughout the years, women have had to fight for their rights. They have been fighting against rape, domestic violence, the right to education, equal opportunities and wages, the right to vote and other forms of discrimination against women in general.

This has given birth to unapologetic and courageous feminists who have dedicated their lives to fight for gender equality using different platforms.

In my opinion, a feminist is anyone who has the courage to stand for what is right and is willing to fight any injustice, irrespective of their creed, gender, ethnic background or color.

All women should be able to do whatever they want at any age without any discrimination. They should be able to choose their career path, enjoy promotions, play any sport, and enjoy many rights as men do because we are all humans with unlimited abilities.

In that respect, here are 100 uplifting feminist slogans to live by as a woman. They represent values of grace, strength, and power, and will leave you feeling invincible.

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Bold Feminist Slogans

!.) Raise your voice for your rights.

Inspirational Feminist Slogans

2.) Am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.

3.) Our future, our choice, our fight

4.) Life on the planet is born of woman.

5.) I’m cute and I’m proud to be a women

6.) Women are to be praised, not to be suppressed.

7.) The true meaning of feminism is this: to use your strong womanly image to gain strong results in society

8.) Bossy women rule

9.) I say if I’m beautiful. I say if I’m strong. You will not determine my story – I will.

10.) You don’t have to be anti-man to be pro-woman

Feminist Slogans For Women’s Day

11.) Never restrict a woman; she can do everything like a man.

Feminist Slogans slogan for women's day

12.) Treat her like a queen and she will make you the king

13.) Women are beautiful miracle in life

14.) It’s hard not to be a fighter when you’re constantly under siege.

15.) I’M Feminist & Proud Of It

16.) Heart of a woman can be broken but never shatter

17.) Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes

18.) A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.

19.) With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts

20.) Women are country’s fate, let them be a great

Catchy Feminist Slogans

21.) Men of quality do not fear equality.

Catchy Feminist Slogans

22.) I am A Girl. I Am Smart And I Am Strong And I Can Do Anything

23.) The thing ladies still can’t seem to learn is no one gives you control. You simply take it

24.) Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.

25.) Stop violence against women

26.) Women can do whatever a man can do and do it better

27.) A Women place is everywhere

28.) A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.

29.) Diversity. Equality. Unity.

30.) Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent

Badass Feminist Slogans

31.) Sexism is a social disease.

Women empowerment Feminist Slogans

32.) I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.

33.) The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.

34.) Weak men fear strong women

35.) Women build civilizations.

36.) Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.

37.) Never let the hand you hold, hold you down.

38.) No woman is required to build the world by destroying herself.

39.) As long as women are not free, the people are not free

40.) I am a woman and when I think, I must speak.

Brilliant Feminist Slogans

41.) Girls are angels, save them.

Feminist Slogans

42.) Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry.

43.) Feminism is the ability to choose what you want to do.

44.) Women are country’s fate, let them be a great

45.) The wage hole exists.

46.) Heart of a lady can be broken yet never smash

47.) Be whatever you can be, join the women’s activist armed force

48.) Empower the Women, Develop the Nation!

49.) Educated lady implies instructed family

50.) Women are always at the front of revolutions.

Sassy Feminist Slogans

51.) Ain’t no revolution without women.

sassy Feminist Slogans

52.) Women have strong wings to fly so high and will to be leader very right.

53.) If you want a good mother, sister and wife, then start educating a girl

54.) Educating a girl is like educating the whole family

55.) Save and educate a girl child to make future bright

56.) I Am a Girl. I Am Smart And I Am Strong And I Can Do Anything.

57.) Do Not Underestimate My Determination And Ability.

58.) To Feel Like A Queen Is As Simple As Believing You Are One

59.) Women Are More Than Just Bodies

60.) Feminism does not mean enemies of men, it means genius human

Inspirational Feminist Slogans

61.) We ascend by lifting others.

Badass Feminist Slogans

62.) It’s not about women acting like men. It’s about women acting like women and being successful.

63.) Women succeed in every sphere.

64.) Don’t let anyone play with your life.

65.) You are feminist, support feminism

66.) Women can achieve anything

67.) Prioritize your position in societies

68.) Be a feminist, no one dare to call you dumb.

69.) First value yourself.

70.) A happy woman indicates a happy and healthy family.

Powerful Feminist Slogans

71.) Don’t take rest just be the best!

Feminist Slogans funny

72.) We are the storm and we will leave light in our wake.

73.) Protect yourself, learn to be safe.

74.) A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.

75.) Stop yourself from being a victim.

76.) Your silence will not protect you.

77.) Live a life according to your way

78.) I’m not going to LIMIT myself just because people won’t accept the fact that I can do something else.

79.) Upliftment of women by education

80.) You need her and she needs your support, empower the women

Incredible Feminist Slogans

81.) Dignity, respect, and justice for all.

Crazy Feminist Slogans

82.) I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.

83.) Women are as strong as men.

84.) Being strong is better than being uselessly beautiful.

85.) Sisters Unite & fight.

86.) Women have the capabilities to outperform men in everything

87.) Future belongs to the Female

88.) Let every girl educate to kill the demon of gender discrimination in the society

89.) Respect everyone. Period.

90.) Life is not a competition between men and women. It is a collaboration.

Strong Feminist Slogans

91.) I am enough.

Powerful Feminist Slogans

92.) My humanity should not be up for debate.

93.) The future is female.

94.) You deserve to be here. You deserve to exist. You deserve to take up space in this world of men.

95.) Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.

96.) Equal rights, equal opportunities, Progress for all

97.) A charming woman doesn’t follow the crowd. She is herself.

98.) I am woman phenomenal woman, that’s me.

99.) Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line

100.) Women are the real architects of society

Which of these feminist slogans is your favorite?

Throughout the years, we have seen women from various backgrounds, races, religions, and ages fight for quality. From Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, Rihanna to young Malala Yousafzai all these feminists have had the same goal – To fight for women’s rights.

So, what’s stopping you from fighting for equal rights for you and your fellow women? Did these feminist slogans ignite your feminist fire?

Which of these feminist slogans do you love? What other feminist slogans would you add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below.



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