10 Powerful Feminist Poems That Will Make You Love Being A Woman

What do you love most about being a woman? Being a woman comes with so many struggles! Check out these beautiful feminist poems that will make you proud to be a woman!

How many female presidents do you know? Research has shown there are more females in the world compared to men. However, there are very few women leading the world as they should! This is because most positions of power and prestige are occupied by men. This doesn’t mean women are not capable of being great leaders, it only means discrimination against women still exists.

In my opinion, a leader should be the person who’s more creative, innovative, resourceful, visionary, wise and insightful despite their gender. We can all agree, men and women are different. But, a woman is as likely to be intelligent as a man if not more.

That being said, it is important to empower women to continue fighting and standing up for themselves against gender discrimination. That’s why I have collected these powerful feminist poems to inspire you to love yourself more, be ambitious, and push you to pursue your dreams and take over the world.

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Powerful Feminist Poems



Before this day I loved

like an animal loves a human,

with no way to articulate

how my bones felt in bed

or how a telephone felt so strange

in my paw. O papa—

I called out to no one—

but no one understood. I didn’t

even. I wanted to be caught. Like

let me walk beside you on my favorite leash,

let my hair grow long and wild

so you can comb it in the off-hours,

be tender to me. Also let me eat

the meals you do not finish

so I can acclimate, climb into

the way you claim this world.

Once, I followed married men:

eager for shelter, my fur

curled, my lust

freshly showered.

I called out, Grief.

They heard, Beauty.                     

I called out, Why?

They said, Because I can and will.

One smile could sustain me for a week.

I was that hungry. Lithe and giddy,       

my skin carried the ether of a so-so

self-esteem. I felt fine. I was

fine, but I was also looking

for scraps; I wanted them all to pet me.

You think because I am a woman,

I cannot call myself a dog?

Look at my sweet canine mind,

my long, black tongue. I know

what I’m doing. When you’re with

the wrong person, you start barking.

But with you, I am looking out

this car window with a heightened sense

I’ve always owned. Oh every animal

knows when something is wrong.

Of this sweet, tender feeling, I was wrong,

and I was right, and I was wrong.



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